Using Thingsup Track To Meet The Challenges Of The Frozen Food Industry

The demand for frozen food has increased in recent years. Leading Indian brands introduce frozen food categories with frozen vegetables, fruits, fish, marine food, soups, bakery products, french fries, burgers, and much more. With more supermarkets and retail stores coming up with proper refrigeration facilities, frozen food is expected to rise INR 192.96 billion by 2024. 

ITC, Apex Frozen Foods, Mccain, Godrej Agrovet, and Venky’s Capricon Food products are counted as the frozen food production industry leaders. Also, ITC is planning to garner up to 20 per cent of the Rs 7,400-crore frozen food market in the next three years. ITC reached directly home with frozen trucks to 1000 plus societies and 20,000 households during the lockdown itself. ITC business head Ashu Phankey said that the company got a massive boost in its frozen food category, which grew up to 40-50% during the pandemic. 

Challenges Faced By Frozen Food Industries

Frozen food is perishables that are required to be kept under the desired temperature to prevent their pilferage. Since temperature plays a crucial role in maintaining the quality of frozen food items, it is essential to keep them at a temperature below -18° C or 0° F.  

Cold stores and reefer vans play an essential role in the supply of frozen food items. The frozen food is kept in the cold stores before being transported to supermarkets and final consumers. The main challenges come when the temperature fluctuations start occurring in the supply chain process. Sometimes during the supply, the cold chain or the reefer vans temperature starts fluctuating. If the food is not transported to the consumer in real-time, it will start deteriorating and even becomes unfit for human consumption.   

There is a massive loss to the organization supplying frozen food products, but the real challenge is that their reputation will be ruined, leading to an overall reduction in sales. 

How Thingsup Track is Solving the Problems of Frozen Food Industry 

Thinsgup Track is an IoT enabled platform that facilitates leading frozen food industries to prevent their perishables from spoilage. The platform focuses on real-time monitoring across the entire supply chain process, including the factories, cold stores, reefer vans, and retail merchants. 

Thingsup track integrated to cold stores, reefer vans, merchant freezers that monitors humidity and temperature inside the cold stores. The sensors monitor the data and send updates to the owners about the fluctuations in the temperature and humidity levels. If there are deviations in the data, the owners can take immediate actions to prevent food contamination. 

Results Achieved With Thingsup Platform 

Various frozen food suppliers integrated Thingsup Track IoT devices to their cold stores, due to which they were able to control untimely fluctuations in the temperature and humidity levels. 

  1. Temperature compliances increased up to 15% 
  2. Return rate from retail points reduced to 10% 
  3. Reduced Overall percentage of spoilage 
  4. Further helped in improving the brand reputation

The device sensors can also monitor the location of the fleets caring frozen food items in real-time that further prevents the chances of thefts. 

If you face similar challenges and want to understand more about how we can help you out, reach us at for a free consultation.
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